This site is free (really), and dedicated to learning about
programming in C/C++. In the School section, you'll find examples
of programs in C/C++ for UNIX, Windows, Win32, and just plain
C/C++ code. There are several FAQs. I'm an instructor at Columbia
University, and this site was originally setup to assist my students.
Check out theprogramming School
stuff. I'm a teacher at Columbia University.
This browser does not support frames. You should get the latest
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or Microsoft. 
This is a private, and personal web site. While I provide professional
services to some of the companies and institutions represented
here, they are in no way associated with this site.
This site was started 9/11/97. If you have any questions, or
comments, please send email to:
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This is a very old site, started in the late 902 and not updated much since 2006. I leave it because it still has lots of traffic. A nod to the past.