Corrections to HW #3

The homework #3 assignment as handed out in class had 2 problems with it. While I have update the online document to be correct, I will address each problem here for further clarification.

Problem #1:
error C2679: binary '!=' : no operator defined which takes a right-hand operand of type 'class MGString' (or there is no acceptable conversion)

Details:  This problem occurs because the operator!= function, and all other operator functions, where specified as accepting a char* parameter, but the test program uses an MGString object. There is no acceptable conversion from MGString to const char* to satisfy the needs of the compiler.

This problem occured because I had cut back some of the requirements from your homework assignment from a working program. Specifically, I did not ask you to write a conversion operator function. In my solution, I had a conversion operator but I did not pay attention to the fact that it was being used by the test program I distributed. While there are several ways to fix it, I would suggest the following method:

Add the following conversion operator function to your class definition (in the .h file) as a member function:

	operator const char* () const { return( GetCPointer() ); }

That is the entire function. Now, anywhere you provide an MGString object where a char* is needed, the conversion operator function above will be called, which will call the GetCPointer function and return a C-style string pointer.

Problem #2
At runtime, program outputs "The '>' operator didn't work".

Details:  A simple typo on my part. The original code was:

	if( A > B )
		cout << "The '>' operator looks Ok" << endl;
		cout << "The '>' operator didn't work" << endl;

But, it should have been:

	if( A > B )
		cout << "The '>' operator didn't work" << endl;
		cout << "The '>' operator looks Ok" << endl;