Midterm Q&A

Q.I get Link errors on MCIWndCreate, and anything from vfw.h. What's up with that?
Q. Why is the background to my dialog transparent?
Q. Can you offer a bit more guideline on how to play multimedia files?

Q.I get Link errors on MCIWndCreate, and anything from vfw.h. What's up with that?

A. You should notice that there is also a vfw32.lib file mentioned in the Quick Info button of the online help for MCIWndCreate. This means you must go to the Project Settings menu choice, and in the Link tab of the dialog that appears, add vfw32.lib to the Object/Library Modules item. This should elliminate the link errors.


Q. Why is the background to my dialog transparent?

A. Check two things:


Q. Can you offer a bit more guideline on how to play multimedia files?

A. The handout mentions the MCIWndCreate function.This function is key to creating the program. An MCI window is one that can play multimedia files. You will find information on the following functions in your online help as well:


The MCI window also sends messages to it's parent (the main window) that you will need to work with. These messages include:

MCIWNDM_NOTIFYMODE - Informs you of a mode change, like pausing, or stopping. lParam has more info.