

Abstract Window Toolkit

An API that provides graphical user interfaces for Java programs. The Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) also provides imaging tools, event-handling methods, layout managers, and data transfer classes. The AWT components are implemented using native-platform versions of the components and have largely been replaced by the Swing components, which have a pluggable look and feel.



A program, written in the Java programming language, that runs in a web browser.



A standalone software program that enables the user to perform a specific task, such as database




A group of attributes and methods that define the implementation of a particular type of object.



An object that is identified by its properties, operations, and relationships. For example, a button is a visual component whose properties include size and foreground and background color.


Component Inspector

An IDE window in which you can view both the visual (such as a button) and non-visual (such as a layout manager) components in your application. From the Component Inspector, you can modify a component's properties and specify its events.


Component palette

A collection of IDE toolbars that provides easy access to frequently used components, including AWT and Swing components. You can create your user interface by clicking a component in the component palette and then clicking in the Form Editor.



A component that contains other components. Windows and dialog boxes are examples of top-level containers.  Panels, scroll panes, and tabbed panes are examples of intermediate-level containers.


Dynamic Code Completion

The IDE’s automatic completion of an expression that you are typing in the Editor window.



An IDE tool for editing Java, HTML, and plain text files as well as files specified by modules.



An action to which an object can respond. Most events are initiated by a user action, such as a click, key press, or mouse movement.


Event handler

A method that is called when an event is triggered on a component.


Form Editor window

An IDE area for creating and modifying a graphical interface. You can select a component (such as a panel, scroll bar, or menu) in the component palette and add it to your graphical interface by clicking in the Form Editor window.



Integrated Development Environment.  A window or program that provides a unified view of all objects and files in a Java project.


Java Foundation Classes

An extension to the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT) that provides the Swing classes, a collection of graphical user interface components with a pluggable look and feel. The Java Foundation Classes (JFC) also provide the Java Accessibility API, which can be used to create applications that interact with assistive technologies. For the Java 2 platform, the JFC also includes the Java 2D API (for 2D graphics and imaging) and drag and drop.


Layout manager

A property of a container component that controls the size and location of components within the container. A layout manager ensures that the container can adjust to resizing and to differences between systems, such as different font sizes. The Java platform supplies six layout managers: BorderLayout, BoxLayout, CardLayout, FlowLayout, GridBagLayout, and GridLayout.



A procedure that belongs to a class and that can be applied to a specific object or the class itself.



An independent piece of software that is part of a larger program but is usually compiled separately. Modules are implemented in such a way that you can change one module without affecting the other modules in the program.



A collection of Java classes and interfaces, grouped in a single entity.



A collection of files that make up an applet or application. The files in a project can be operated on as a whole.



An attribute or characteristic of a GUI object that you can set. The properties of an object might define its size, color, and value.


Swing components

A collection of GUI components with a pluggable look and feel so you can design an application that can have the look and feel of any OS platform. Swing is part of the Java Foundation Classes and includes interface elements such as windows, dialog boxes, choosers, panels, panes, menus, controls, text components, tables, lists, and tree views.



Software code that serves as a guide for creating a component. A template provides the initial appearance and behavior of the object, which you can easily change.



A collection of windows with related functions. For example, when you edit your user interface, you use a workspace that displays the Component Inspector, the Form Editor, and the source Editor. When you debug your program, you use a workspace that displays a window for setting breakpoints, monitoring threads, and watching the value of variables.