Review Questions for Intro. to Java
Class 1
- Briefly describe javac, java/javaw, and
- In a Java Application, what is the name of
the function that begins execution.
- This is a brief list, we had a review session on
first class, mostly in C.
Class 2
- What is a Class?
- What is the difference between a class and an object or instance?
- What is a constructor?
When is a constructor called?
- Describe public, private, and
protected , in terms of class members.
- What is method overloading
- What is an interface function, and why would
you create one?
- What are some of the differences between an Applet and an Application?
- Can you create, compile, and execute, a 'Hello World' Java application,
using Notepad and a DOS shell? (This is not a Yes/No question).