Homework #3
1) Define common field types to
be used by our MSCUFlatFile class. Try to have the field type reflect real-world
work experience (for example, how are date fields really stored, in your
2) The MSCUFlatFile will need a collection of MSCUObject pointers, and a
collection of string objects. These collection classes will be to maintain
fields in a record. Design how these items should be implemented. Use any
means at your disposal.
The MSFlatFile class will need functions to manipulate fields. Think about,
and document, how they should work:
void AddField( You define the parameters
void RemoveField( You define the parameters )
int FindField( string FieldName );
string GetFieldName( int FieldIndex );
3) Think of how you want the MSCUFlatFile to work. Determine what
it's purpose is. Decide what functions will be needed in the class. Try
to model these functions after databases you have used. Just design the
basic operations, and keep in mind that we want a record-number based access
Changes to the MSCU classes
Change the following in MSCUObject:
virtual const string GetAsString() const { throw "Unimplemented feature";
Add the following function to the MSCUObject class:
virtual MSCUObject* Clone() const { throw "Unimplemented
feature"; return(0);} // To support dynamic creation
virtual int Compare( const MSCUObject& Src) const // Provides a built-in
basic comparison method
return( GetAsString().compare(Src.GetAsString() );
virtual int operator==( const MSCUObject& Src ) const // Use comparison
method for common operators
return( Compare( Src )==0 );
virtual MSCUObject& operator=( const MSCUObject& Src ) // Basic
data transfer support
SetFromString(Src.GetAsString() ); return(*this);
Add the following to MSCUDate:
virtual MSCUObject* Clone() const { return( new MSCUDate(this) );
Add a Clone method to your MSCUSSN class, and any other MSCUObject-derived
classes you expect to use as a field in a MSCUFlatFile.